Do I need lots of equipment to take part in TriActive?

No you definitely don't! Taking part in the TriActive program involves wearing exercise clothing that you feel comfortable in and which you can ride a spin bike in, go for a walk/jog in and then when it comes to the swim session, you'll need a bathing suit and goggles, plus a swim cap if you use one. That's about it!

Will I need lots of fancy and expensive equipment to take part in a triathlon event?

No! On the day of the actual triathlon event that your TriActive program culminates in, the only additional equipment you will definitely need to have is a roadworthy bike and a bike helmet.

Will I need a wetsuit for the program or on the day of the event?

You won't need a wetsuit during the TriActive training program as the swim sessions are held in swimming pools. On event day you will be taking part in a short sea swim and it is a personal choice as to whether you wear a swimsuit or a wetsuit, but there is no real advantage in terms of buoyancy when swimming a short distance, rather it is more about water temperature.

Can I hire a wetsuit?

Yes there will be several options available for hiring wetsuits, plus some of the retail sports shops hire and then if you decide to buy one, will deduct the hire cost you have already paid from the overall cost of the suit. Your coach will be able to advise you on local equipment hire.

I don't own a bike; will I be able to hire one to take part?

Yes. You can take part in the entire TriActive program without a bike as the sessions are completed on spin bikes. However, you MUST have a roadworthy, safe bike and correctly fitting bike helmet to take part in the event. There will be bike hire options available locally to you and we would recommend searching online well in advance of event day so you are not rushed into a decision. Your coach will also have good local knowledge of equipment shops and hire.

Do I need to have a bike helmet?

You must have a correctly fitting bike helmet to take part in the triathlon on event day. However, you won't need a bike helmet during the TriActive program as the ride sessions are conducted on spin bikes.

Do I need to have a pair of those specialist bike shoes that clip into the pedals?

No, definitely not! All you need is footwear that you are used to cycling in when riding a bike with "flat" pedals. However, if you use clip-in bike shoes and pedals because your bike is fitted with them and you are used to them, then of course you would use these on the day of the event.

Can I just run in my normal exercise clothing?

Yes we would encourage you to wear clothing that you are comfortable in and familiar with during the TriActive program. By the time the event comes round, you will be more used to doing the exercise program and can make an informed choice based on what you feel happiest running the event in.

Will I need special energy bars or food to get me through the event?

No. A mini triathlon will not place a significant stress on your energy supplies and as long as you follow a healthy, balanced diet and have eaten that morning, you should be fine and certainly won't need any energy supplements. However, ask your coach for advice on eating for event day as you will need to plan how to best coordinate and time your breakfast that morning as it may be an early start. You may also wish to take some food you are familiar with and like eating to snack on after the event in case you get hungry shortly after you finish.